Melvyn Hanley Solicitors represents, supports, and advises clients with sensitivity and honesty at every stage of the process when it comes to drafting wills and probate law. We ensure that your wishes are put in place in the most financially beneficial and practical manner. We are proud to have been building lasting relationships with clients for over 25 years, so you and your family are in safe hands.
Wills and Probate Lawyers
Drafting Wills and navigating probate matters can be formidable. If you or a member of your family need help navigating a difficult Will or probate matter, our team is on hand to listen to your query and examine your options. Our aim is always to maintain agreeable relationships between family members, and to diligently represent our clients’ interests.
Drafting Wills
At Melvyn Hanley Solicitors we use our expertise to help ensure that your wishes are respected as intended in your estate. We work closely with your financial advisors to ensure that your Will is drafted in line with the best principles of estate planning. Our team will advise you of the various legislative provisions that can affect your Will and your freedom as a Testator (a person making a Will). Outlining the ways in which you would like your assets to be distributed after your death can be a sensitive topic which is why our client-based approach prioritises our client’s needs and wishes.
The death of a loved one, family member, or friend is an emotional experience for everyone affected. For this reason, our team handles probate cases with the utmost sensitivity and understanding. We can advise you on best practices in ensuring that a Will is complied with, as well as assisting you in giving effect to the Testator’s intentions by applying for the grant of probate, gathering up the assets of the Estate and distributing them to the intended parties. During this difficult time, we aim to alleviate stress and support clients through relevant probate matters.
Areas of Practice Include:
- Drafting and Amending Wills
- Estate Planning: This refers to the preparations put in place to manage the assets of an individual in the event of their death.
- Extracting Grants of Probate or Administration (where a person has made a Will): In the case of a person’s death who does not have a Will, you or your family might need to extract a Grant of Letters of Administration.
- Administration of Estates: This includes advising family members as well as other relevant beneficiaries of their rights in relation to the estate of the deceased.
- Transfer of assets passed by way of Survivorship: If an asset is co-owned and the right of survivorship has been included in the title of the asset, in the event of one of the owners dying, the surviving owner or owners can absorb the deceased’s share of the asset.
- Applications in respect of Legal Right Shares: Legislation provides that irrespective of the terms laid out in a Will, a spouse is entitled to a share in the deceased’s estate. The legislation prevents the complete disinheritance of surviving spouses.
- Section 117 Applications: This section allows children of the deceased to make an application to the court, if their parent has not made the proper provisions for them in relation to their means, according to their Will or during their lifetime.
- Deeds of Family Arrangement: This document outlines an agreement between parties that have an interest in the inheritance laid out in a Will.
- Deeds of Disclaimer: This is employed by a beneficiary of an estate who can reject an interest in the estate arising from a deceased’s Will.
- Probate Actions
Our team handles probate law with sensitivity and understanding. We aim to respect your wishes. Where no Will has been put in place, we will advise you as to the operation of the law and the various entitlements of surviving relatives or next-of-kin.
Contact us today to find out more about how we can help you and your family navigate wills and probate law.